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Friday, December 3, 2010

Miscellaneous Memories

"When", is not necessarily remembered, but "What" will always be a part of our wonderful Italian memories! Where we were and why we did it, can sometimes be recalled, but not always. Sick and twisted, will best describe some of these memories, but often it is the unexplainable things in life that keep us laughing and allow us to bond in unique and lasting friendships.

Winding down often meant a time to read or a time to nap. Sometimes it was a natural progression from one to the other, and something we all enjoyed doing especially after eating a meal. 

Note the iPad, Kindle, and two old-fashioned paperback books!

Sweet dreams!

A warm and cozy morning nap.

A warm and cozy afternoon nap too!

Om..........peace at last.

Don't even ask!?!

One afternoon while two were napping, three were cooking. One of our favorite desserts was Tiramisu and we soon discovered that there were many different recipes for this famous Italian dessert. How difficult could it be to combine layers of sponge cake (Lady Fingers) soaked in coffee and brandy with powdered chocolate and mascarpone cheese?

Think I will double the brandy, just for good luck.

Serious sifting of the cacao powder by the head chef!

On your mark, get set, GO!

Oh yes, this is the best! Kudos to the cooks.

Nightly rituals consisted of dark chocolate evenly divided and small glass cups filled to the brim with Bailey's Irish Cream (multiple times), at least for two laughing ladies!

Just a touch of cream in my morning coffee.

There are so many other pictures and comments I could include in this section of miscellaneous memories, that I'm having a difficult time deciding what to include and also how much I want to risk revealing about myself. I so enjoy life and am grateful for all the laughs that come my way each day. I hope the Funsome Fivesome will understand that if any of their pictures have been included in this book, it is not meant to embarrass them, but to show what a totally awesome time was had by all during our once in a lifetime adventure!

One thing that we learned very early was how much we enjoyed eating pizza on this trip. In Italy, or at least in all those places where we would order pizza, it was up to us to cut the pizza into pieces! Sometimes it was easier than others, and finally we figured out the best solution to our problem was to buy a pizza cutter and carry it in our purse so we could use it while in Italy. After we got home, someone was going to get a genuine already used pizza cutter as a gift from our travels.

There are always some bathroom issues when traveling and of course we had a few, but you probably didn't think you would find picture details regarding some of our more hysterical moments...but then, why not?

Train stations, public facilities in small villages, and even in our beloved villa, there were those times that  we just never could have anticipated! Please skip over the next few pictures and comments if you think "TMI" - too much information!

Innocent bag lady waiting for her friends.

I'm supposed to do what?!?!?!

Shocking look of disbelief!

In order to avoid further trauma at restroom stops, a small hand puppet would appear and offer words of encouragement and support. This was definitely an unusual method of treatment for such scarring experiences, but as every pre-kindergarten teacher knows, the use of a friendly hand puppet or cute stuffed toy, can calm the most frightened child in the class.

Don't worry, be happy! You won't fall into the big black hole. We are right outside waiting for you.

You are so brave and we are very proud of you. Don't forget to wash your hands!

Of course, there is always one who can't be helped, no matter what you do!

What can I possibly say about this shocking picture? I am a vain old woman without shame. I somehow bent in half in the world's smallest bath tub in order to shave my legs. The human pretzel could join a freak show! Were there only very small people in the 14th century? How could anyone soak their tired bones in this miniature contraption called a bath tub? 

The miracle was that I could get in and out of this tub without breaking bones, or dying from laughter! Just for the record, I never once even nicked my shines with the razor. I will credit the wines (without sulfates) for keeping me flexible as a wet spaghetti noodle!

There were two living things that always renewed our souls with great amounts of gratitude, local dogs that became instant friends in Vitiani, Siena, and Radda and the beautiful plants, especially the calla lilies and hydrangeas. On our walks around many of the ancient towns we would marvel at the unique blooms and healthy green foliage. It seems only fitting that I end this chapter with some of those images.

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