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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Pails, Baskets, Bowls, & other Containers of Laughter

Villa Ventures
The pot belly stove in the living room needed more fuel, so a search team was sent to the wood shed, located outside and around the corner of our villa.  We had our gloves, a pail, and the original key to an old wooden door as we prepared to meet deadly spiders and huge rats hiding in the wood pile. Every simple task was an adventure, and we always found humor in our ignorance.

Our reward for most chores while at the villa would be Chianti and a plate of delicious cheeses, meats, olives, and loaves of fresh baked breads! For very special occasions, home-made tiramisu would be served. Late at night, a bedtime treat would be gelato, coffee, or Bailey's Irish Cream served in small glass cups!

Some worked hard building fires, while others played Sudoku.

Did you say milk the cows or go get wood?

Decisions, decisions, which key goes where?

Eke, spider webs and critters galore!

Enjoying the fruits of our labors.

A labor of love.

Uum, Uum, good!

Good things come in small cups, filled many times.
(Except bras ;o)

Lead me not into temptation, I can find it myself.
Yes, someone always had a camera ready to record our every move and continuous laughter! 

The oldest in the circle of friends had a hard time not wetting her pants, and the youngest developed laugh lines from the 24/7 smiles.

Grocery Giggles
As we approached the grocery baskets in the parking lot, my pre-kindergarten mind thought of a nursery rhyme. "A- Tisket , A-Tasket, a green and yellow basket"...and I promptly thought about the potential  fun time shopping and giggling our way through a grocery store, not having a clue about where to find things or not knowing how much we would be spending. Euros were still like "monopoly money" in our minds, or at least mine!

Five college graduates, some with advanced degrees, could not figure out how to get the basket out of the parking lot location. Finally a handsome Italian man (aren't they all?!) came to our rescue and explained that the baskets were locked and in order to use one we needed to deposit one Euro in the little slot. Upon returning the basket to it's proper location, we would be refunded one Euro. What a great idea! Why don't we do that in the United States?

Once inside the store, the real fun started! We divided up our list of needs and thought the shopping trip would take less time if we all went to different aisles, but once we all ended up in the wine and liquor section, we lost all sense of time!

Ladies, it all has to fit in the back of a very small car!

Blessings on our driver and her first trip to the store and back without a speeding ticket!

Bottles, Bowls, Glasses, and Cups
Different sizes and many shapes, but all good to the very last drop or lick! Need I say more?

A collection of empties begins.

How could it be gone so quickly?

Just because...

And I wonder why I gained so much weight in Italy?!?

Cheers!!  You betcha!

Coffee Lady to the rescue!

Strong enough to make my hair stand straight up!

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